The Prime Role of Women Development Cell (WDC) is to provide and maintain a dignified and safe working environment for women employees (including teaching, non-teaching and contractual workers) and students, where they can work, study and explore their potential to the fullest. It includes women Harassment complaint committee and women empowerment program co-ordination committee.
Women Empowerment and Gender Equality are the most important requirements for the upliftment and progress of our nation. In the effort the Cell has both the faculty and students of the College as its members and works with an aim to create a gender sensitized community within campus as well as in the society. It has been organising varied academic, technical, medical, cultural and social events for the upliftment of women and spread the real importance of gender equality in the society.
To make the cell a unique platform for the development of its members, by providing them opportunities to contribute towards the betterment of the society.
The Women Cell shall strive to create a better and just society by empowering women.